The functionality of this very website is perfect for every need!
You get 5 pages for content, each with a comprehensive online page editor. All the pages can have custom names except for Contact.
This text you are reading is in a "Fast Text" box and is very quick and easy to update. This is the perfect place to put the latest news for your site.
The slide show on the right (or below on mobile) can be loaded with any five images of your choosing.
Notice the Facebook share button under the slide show. Your share image and associated text is completely customizable.
Editor Got about 3 minutes or so...?  Watch the overview video.

Everything below the slide show on the home page is the "Page Edit" area.  Here you can have various types of content and lots of control over the appearance.  Any limitations to design are there to keep the task of building your website simple and quick.  But you have all the basics available - text, images, links, audio and video.
Here is a bookmark link to a turtle photo.
Here is a large heading to label this section.

You can have one or two columns which can be just text, images, or a combination of text and images.  You can choose fonts, font sizes, font colors and create links
105Websites creates fully responsive websites that adapt fluidly to different screen sizes, such as the desktop, tablet or phone.  Two thirds of all internet browsing is now done on a smart phone and our product is optimized for narrow screen sizes.

Here is tip that is good to know and one that you should try on our website example here.  Although you can resize the browser window on the desktop to simulate narrower screen sizes, a better alternative is to use Firefox's responsive mode.  View this website in Firefox and then hold down the Shift Key and the Control Key and hit "M".  You should now have a slightly narrower window within the main browser window.  Roll your mouse over the edge of the window till the cursor becomes a horizontal arrow, then hold down the left mouse button and drag the edge of the window.  You will see the size change and the content change accordingly if you are viewing responsive web design.  At the top of the inner window is a pull down menu where you can also select devices to simulate.  This is a great tool to use to preview your website's appearance on other devices.

You can place titles above sections as desired and position the text
or centered.

pCloud is your best choice for hosting content, everyday backup and file sharing.
105Websites makes it safe and easy to insert your content by utilizing third party online storage or "cloud" solutions. Our recommendation is pCloud, which has plans ranging from $4 a month to $175 for lifetime - a fantastic deal. A dependable online, cloud storage solution is not only perfect for your 105Website, but also makes a great all-purpose backup and file sharing solution. pCloud provides direct links to your content as well as free apps for the desktop and your mobile device. We also provide a utility for creating direct links using your free or paid DropBox account. PostImage is another free solution. YouTube, SoundCloud and Clyp are free solutions for video & audio.
There is a hidden bookmark (anchor) at the top of this section which is connected to a link further up on the page.  By placing links and bookmarks strategically on the page, you can make it very easy for the viewer to find and jump to specific content.

This is an example of text placed to the right of an image.  These are two columns which can be images or text and they "collapse" to a single column when the device - phone or iPad - has a narrower view.

The end of each page is indicated by a "flourish" that contains a link to jump back to the top of the page.